The medical team with Ray Kidwell MD Vanessa Greer ACNP Nancy Fernandez RN Art Fernandez RN Trish Johnson RN Tami Stanic RN Sam Ricalde RN with correspinding Dental team Maria Kidwell DDS and Penny Lutz dental assist and Vision exams by Margie Ricalde OD.
The medical clinic was set up with triage, clinics, pharmacy, message station and prayer station. Approx 139-150 people were seen each day...we extended hours every day and always had to turn people away. It was very hard to stop seeing those in such need.
Many walked up to four hours to see us. Isaiah 50:4 came alive as we saw many weary from the difficulties of life. Awesome group of people to work with and live with on this trip.
The kids were great worked well in all areas they were placed to work. High five to Blake Johnson who learned how to pull teeth and give a chair message. Also special mention to Ana Lindsay, Rachel Flores, Julianna Rickard for their willingness to assist with female clinic ♥.